Join the Brooklyn Oratory for "Contemplation: The Way Forward," a special Advent retreat facilitated by Fr. Michael Holleran.
The great Catholic theologian Karl Rahner famously said of 21st century Christians that they would either be mystics or not at all. We are all wired to be mystics and contemplatives. However, we are seldom taught how to access it. Fr. Michael Holleran will be facilitating this Advent retreat to help us explore what contemplation is: its challenges, rich rewards, as well as its pathways and goals. This retreat will include sessions of guided contemplative prayer.
We will open the doors at 9:30am and begin promptly at 10am. We will break for lunch as a group and then return for a final session.
Fr. Michael Holleran is a priest of the Archdiocese of NY, serving at the parish of Corpus Christi and Notre Dame at Columbia University. Fr. Michael Holleran is also a Zen Sensei and spent twenty-two years in the silent contemplative order of hermit monks, the Carthusians.